Share Whatsapp Real-time Locations: WhatsApp is so aggressive in bringing new features that are no longer limited by personal nature, because this service is starting to open up to social features. The move was even more apparent after the company brought the location sharing feature in real-time.

Now, WhatsApp users can share their location in real-time with friends, family, or anyone on the WhatsApp message contact list. This feature called Live Location actually comes from Facebook Messenger which in May launched location sharing.
Share Whatsapp Real-time Locations with Friends
Please follow the steps below:
# 1 Not a chat with friends or a discussion group on WhatsApp.
# 2 Under the “Location” menu on the attachment button (paper clip icon), there is a new option called “Share Live Location.” Select that option!
# 3 Now you specify how long you want to share Live Location. The choices are 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours.
# 4 Now, everyone in the chat you choose can see your location in real-time on a digital map.
# 5 The user can choose to stop the Live Location feature by pressing “Stop Sharing” or allowing the Live Location active time to expire.
# 6 If more than one person shares their location in a WhatsApp group, photos of people sharing that location will be visible on the same map.
This Live Location feature is what WhatsApp promises to release in the next few weeks for Android and iOS versions. WhatsAppp said all functions in the application, including matters for sharing this location, will be encrypted from end to end.
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